Creating your own Ebook And Magazine

Today a  host of useful sofwear are available to perform a variety of useful and Creative fuctions.
one of them being an eBook maker.

An efficient eBook maker allows one to publish useful informative content and pctures in to useful
eBooks for enabling in publication online and reaching out to a wide variety of audiences.
the eBook software comes with a host of exellent and easy feature,
which makes it easy for anyone to create and publish their own eBooks, even without any form of prerequisite knowledge of software or programming.

The eBook maker allows you to create eBooks in a variety of formats and file extensions like EXE,flash ,HTML,mobi and many more.
this helps your creations to be viewed easily in wide variety of devices like personal computers, macbook, tablets, mobile phones and  any other device which may not be using flash.
the eBook maker also helps one to convert
their publications in various mobile formats as well which further allows your eBook to be readable in mobile phones as well. plus, the eBook maker also provides lots of personalised features, like creating and using your own personalised labels.

With easy embed codes, the eBook maker also helps you to easily publish and embed your flipbook and eBooks in various other blogs and websites: The entire process of publishing requires just about four simple steps.

The concerned software also helps in making your own magazine, in just a matter of few minutes and steps.
By incorporting your desired eBook or flipbook and adding the desired colours, layouts, link, buttons
and other useful mutimedia, you can make a magazine easily. after adding all the required details,you can then publish your flipbook or magazine, in various formats in accordance with various devices like, tablets, mobile phones, windows, macbook,and many more.
these include various formats like flash, exe mobi. PDF, ZIP, HTML and many more . after making your own magazine, you also have options to add your own desired language and even publish it in various eBook websites like kindle and iBooks to help you reach out to an even greater audience.
the software also helps you to personalise the magazine you created by adding your own label.
The software detect the type of device used by your respective readers and change the format of your magazine accordingly:

After making your own magazine, you can publish it or upload it using the in-built, instant uploder available in the software, or separately on your own if you wish to.
the software also comes with free tutorials, which will quide you into making your own magazine in no time.
you can also add a desired language or suggest on to the software, as you make your own magazine.

Hance to conclude, flipbook software, online eBook and magazine makers are useful and creative tools for budding designers and publishers to create and publish their own unique  magazines, in the desired layout and language.
you may also add creative alement to it like various pictures, videos and other exciting multimedia.
moreover,you also have the plexibility to view the magazine in various devices by publishing it in as variety of formats and file extensions.
the addition of bookmark and paswords, further personalise and secure the creation effecientlyHealth fitness Articles, and aslo have the feature enable offilne reading of your magazine or flipbook.

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In today's world of technology and sofware based task, using applications or the popular term, 'apps'
for performing most of your daily fuctions, is all the rage. from tracking fitness to making PDF file.

And now, with the help of specialised applications like a flipbook software, one can create  beautiful
content and flipbooks to be published and viewed over the internet,
in various file formats and extension like.

An efficient flipbook sofware has a host of affecient feature. most importantly, it helps in creating
flipbooks in a variety of formats liks FLASH,EXE,ZIP,MOBI and HTML5. The major advatage
of this is that your flipbook can be viewed with ease in personal compters, macbook and other
applications which don,t have flash installed. the flipbook sofwear has the ability to detect the type of device utilised by the reader who views or tries to read the flipbook concerned, and convert the flipbook into the required file format.

one of th most common solutions, which the flipbook sofware provides, is to convert your concerned flipbook into and HTML format. this makes it easily viewable on various devices lik PCs, tablets, notes,macbooks,laptops and even mobile phones, and especially on device where flash may be absent. the flipbook sofware also helps you convert your file to formats like ePub and mobi, which makes it easier to publish on reading platform like kindle, iBook and many more.
the flipbook sofware also allows inclusion of exciting multimedia in your files, and also provides a variety of themes and layouts. this allows you to create attractive and beautiful flipbooks which is sure to attract audiences. flipbook sofware available for mobile phone, makes it even easier to view them on your mobile phones.

for  even more attractive feature, the flipbook sofwear""  also allows adding of vibrant book mark to your personal flipbooks,in order to help in easier
reading and also allows integration of a personal password to your flipbook or magazine.
this prevents your creations from being accesed by any illegal sources, to make your flipbook even more user friendly, you will also have the feature to add a table of contents, which will allows your readers to access your flipbook information even more easily than ever before. to further increase the viewer population of youur publication, the sofwear also allow the sharing of your flipbook on popular social media and network platfroms.

one of the most comprehensive flipbook sofware feature is its ability to be an online magazine maker. it allows one to integrate various information and image content into various colourful layouts to form an attractive digital magazine using the online magazine maker application , so that it can be read on vvarious websites and web browsers, and as well as on computers and mobile phones. yhe online magazine maker also allows one to modify the language of the magazine so created, which further helps in making your magazine viewable to a wide range of populations. in case of a language not found, merely suggesting the desired language in the onlaine magazine makerfind article, will allow the flipbook sofware to integrate it later.
the sofware also allows one to track the viewing or reading record of the created magazine.

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android apps optimize the performance of the device it helps you perform many tasks easily.
these apps include all kind of useful feature and functions which allow the usere to take optimum use of the device. let's discuss best free Apps for android and tablets in recent times.

the biggest stregth of any android device is its application ecosystem that makes it effective and useful.
there are millions of apps available today which are downloaded for billions of times. these apps include utility apps, entertainment apps information and productivity apps, functionality.
apps and lot can't make optimum use of android devices until the time  you don,t have these
useful apps. from the list of these useful apps let,s discuss some of these apps here.

best security suite app

  avast mobile security: with more than 100 million installs avast mobile security is one of the
best antivirus apps available. it block pop-us and unwanted ads, it alerts you against
spyware and adware apps, it protects your device against phishing scams from email
attachments, phone calls, malicious websites or SMS messeges. other than being an antivirus
engine it work as a call blocker, privacy advisor,app locker,junk cleaner, RAM booster, firewall and
performs many other functions too. it provides complete web shield against all your digital activities
it also ensures your network/WI-FI security.

best file manager app

ASUS file manager: file manager tools help you manage and organize you cluttered data
efficiently. these  tools save your time and efforts to search or access any data on your device.
one such file manager app is ASUS file manager which helps you manage your files whether
they are on your devices memory microSD card, local area network or cloud storage accounts.
it help you copy,move,delete,share files to and from any your storage space and offers many additional features as well.

best file finder App

Duplicate files fixer: dupcicate files on your device accumulates due to various reasons like files sharing and downloading, files backup, and due to various others reasons, these duplicate files not only occupy precious storage space but these files also affect your device speed and performance. duplicate files accurately and ask for your permission before deleting duplicate files.
you can take backup of files before deletion as well. it offers multiple scanning options where you can scan a particular folder or you can scan your complete device to visit :

best navigation/GPS App

sygic GPS navigation & maps: this most advanced app helps you find locations using 3D offline
maps from tom tom and provides accurate voice-quided navigation facilities, it provides live
traffic updates, parking place sugestions near you.
tourist attractions, pedestrian navigation and lot more in this app.
you can use head-up display ( HUD) navigation tool mounted on your car's windshield to find exact
locations, it offers offline navigations and free map quidance and lot other features.

best android Cleaner app

systweak android cleaner:  this useful app help you clean your device.effortlessly to boost and optimize its performace. it manages your cluttered and unoganized storage space in no time. it helps you clean your junk files. work as an app manager. manages files on your device and also provide :

feature on your  device. it offers 1-Tap device booster option to instantly clear your RAM and offers a lot of other features too. 

you can use these amazing apps to improve your device performace instantly. thee tools can help you save your time and effort as well.

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Here are your standar browser with informationn on how to use their anonymous browsing options. read further to get started.

triying to mask your ip address online doesn't have to be difficult. Here are some ideas to get you started.
depending on which you use, the anonymous browser setting will be found in a different location and activated in a different way, before you get started, find a list oof open proxies that you can use.

Google Crome
to activate proxy setting on google chrome, first click the wrech icon in the upper right hand corner (tools ) and scroll to options then move to " under to hood" and change proxy setting" find
"LAN setting" and use proxy setting for you LAN" type in the port number and IP address.


start buy going to "tool" and then move through "options" and "Advanced".next,click"Network"
then "settings" and then "Manual Proxy configuration" Enter IP address and port number and click OK.


PC:navigate to "tools" and from there move youself though "preferences" ,"Advanced", and finally to "Network" finally click on "Proxy servers" and enter the IP address in the HTTP box and port number in the port box

Internet Explorer

from the previous examples you should be able to find the tabs, buttons and areas listed below inn
this order. Who still uses Internet explorer anyway

1. tools
2. internet options
3. connections
4. LAN setting
5. tick the box "use a proxy server for your LAN"
6. Enter proxy info (IP address and port number)
7. click "OK"

once finished, the proxy server will mask your IP address, and you'll surf the internet hidden from
online baddies. this will get you past many firewall restrictions,including many at work, school and public wifi. be sure to know your proxy sources,as some proxies can be used for spam.


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Vivaldi 1.5 Final is available

the final version of the innovative vivaldi browser has been  released today.The browser comes with
a number of useful feature and also includes some unexpected like support for Philips hue lampss.

vivaldi 1.5 bring the following key changes:

. improved tab mving between browser windows.

. reader mode

. delta updates (for windows only ).

. automatic sceenshots in notes .

. integration with hue color lights from philips.


the browser finnaly commes with the long awaited abillity to move tabs between open winndows.
you can drag not only tabs but also tab selections and tab stack the following video demonstrates this
feature in action :

other tab management improvements include the following abilities:

. drag selections of tabs ( shitf or Ctrl click ) to another windows.

. drag tab stack between windows 

. drag a tab in and out of a tab stack : to drag out,grab one of the little sub-tabs at the top

. drag a tab to the trash: drag it down first and then over to the trash


reader mode simplifies web pages by removing most of the clutter. vivaldi devlopers added a special
button in the addres bar. here is hot it looks and work the regular view:

reader mode enabled ( the tiny button is pressed down in the addres bar 

delta updates

thank to this new feature .you can save your time and traffic. vivaldi 1.5 will download only
the changes between two build when a new version is released. this will allow you to download  far less data when upgrading to a new build. according to vivaldi developers, the update size for current releases will not be more than the size of data that can fit on a floppy disk. meaning the data downloaded will be smaller than 1.5 megabytes

Automatic screenshots in notes

that's it you can download the from its official home page:

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( EAGLE GET ) download manager setelah internet download manager ( IDM )

jumpa lagi dengan saya kali ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman tentang download manager yup...!! mungkin dari kalian sudah pada megenal yang nama,nya (IDM) atau intenet download manager
nah tapi kali ini saya akan berbagi yang lain apa itu..??? yup adalah pesaing (IDM) internet download manager yang satu ini menurut saya sangat ampuh untuk alternatif penganti ( IDM) di samping sangat ampuh dan cocok untuk di jadikan pilihan ke dua atau boleh jadi pilihan pertama
karna sofwear yang satu ini gratis alias free tidak usah bingung akan masa aktif habis atau expired
 yang satu ini aktif permanent
terus di samping itu ukuran,nya juga sangat kecil kurang lebih sama dengan (IDM) internet download manager :

sedikit ulasan tentang sofwear ini terkadang EAGLE GET ini tidak serta merta ke detect di browser kita
maka dari itu kita harus meng interegasikan secara manual di browser kita
mungkin dari temen temen udah ada yang tau cara,nya atau ada yang belum tau alias newbie he he he ...baiklah saya akan memberi gambaran bagaimana cara mengg interagasikan EAGLE GET ini ke semua browser

langkah pertama saya akan coba meng interagasikan ke opera  versi 41.0.2353.56 karna apa opera versi ini udah sangat stabil karna menu VPN sudah hadir di versi ini jadi kita kalau ingin buka situs situs yang biasa kita kenal kadang ada yang internet positif atau semacam,nya di OPERA browser versi ini pasti akan terbuka semua
baiklah lansung saja kalian buka opera jika belum punya opera silankan kalian download di

yang pertama kalian buka halaman menu di pojok kiri atas ada tulisan menu
lalu kalian ke menu setting
nah di situ kalian akan menemukan tulisan ON STARUP  kalian centang open specific page or set of pages seperi gambar ini

nah jika sudah kalian pilih menu extensions lihat gambar 
 sudah biarkan begitu dulu  sekarang kita buka  THIS PC 
 jika sudah kalian buka local disk C 
masuk ke program files (x86)  lalu kalian cari Eagleget

seperti pada gamba 
ljika sudah nanti akan terbuka dan tampilan seprti ini
jika sudah kalian buka folder (addon) nah nati akan tampil seperti ini 
di situ ada tiga pilihan kalian pilih yang nomor 1 tekan lalu kalian tarik dan drop ke opera yang sudah kita buka tadi
jika sudah nanti akan ada tilisan seperti ini  lihat gambar 
nah kalau sudah begitu cukup kalian tekan install aja dan done 
salam luar bisa EAGLEGET kalian sudah bisa terbaca dan siap untuk di buat download berbagai maca m file atau movie kesukaan kalian 

mungkin cuma itu semoga bermanfaat untuk lebih jelas,nya kalian bisa lihat langsung video saya 

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halo kawan kawan!!! kali ini saya akan share bagaimana menampilkan IDM yang tidak tampil atau tidak bekerja pada semua browser yang kita pakai. sebagaimana kita tau bahwa terkadang IDM sering menghilang setelah kita melakukan RISET pada browser yang di akibatkan oleh firewall

langsung saja kita buka browser saya akan membuka browser MOZILLA FIREFOX
  buka menu seperti pada gambar berikut ini :

apabila sudah kalian pilih pengaya atau extension seperti pada gambar
berikut :

nah jika sudah akan tampil sebagai berikut : 
 kalian pilih menu  ekstensi atau extension 

berhubung di browser saya sudah ada idm maka saya tintgal mengaktifkan saja akan tetapi bagi kalian yang IDM ,nya tak terbaca kalian bisa manambahkan secara manual !! bagaimana cara berikut cara,nya kalian lihat gambar berikut 
kalian ikuti gambar di atas kalian tekan gambar yang saya centang

setelah itu akan muncul  1 periksa versi baru
2 tampilkan versi baru
3 pasang pengaya dari berkas
4 debug pengaya 

nah kita pilih tab nomor (3) pasang pengaya dari berkas 

nanti akan muncul sepeti pada gambar berikut :

nah setelah itu kita tingal pilih LOCAL DISK (C)  seperti pada gambar berikut :

nah sekarang pilih program files (x86) berikut  akan tampil  internet download manager

kalian tingal pilih ( idmmzcc2.xpi ) tunggu beberapa saat nanti akan ada tampilan untuk  meng install seperti gambar berikut :

dan kalian tinggal install 

mungkin cukup sekian dan bisa membantu kalian bagaimana cara meng aktifkan IDM pada browser  untuk lebih jelas,nya kalian bisa lihat langsung video saya 

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apa kabar teman teman semua kali ini saya akan share bagimana cara menghilangkan quik access pada windows 10

scren shot
oke yang pertama kalian buka THIS PC seperti pada gambar di atas:

dan cari menu view seperti gambar berikut :

lalu apabila sudah akan tampil seperti pada gambar berikut :

pilih menu options 
maka akan tampil change folder and search options 

klik tab chane folder and search ooptions 
dan akan muncul tampilan seperti pada gambar 
berikut :

pada bagian privacy
 kalian bisa hilangkan centang salah satu atau kedua,nya 
seperti pada gambar berikut :

apabila sudah kalian centang salah satu atau kedua,nya kalian tingal tekan apply
lalu tekan oke 
seperti gambar :

jika sudah sekarang tingal kalian lihat QUIK ACCESS pada windows 10 pasti hilang..
kanapa saya share bagaimana cara menghilankan menu QUIK ACCESS windows 10 ini ??
karna di windows 10 ini kita sebenarnya di beri kemudahan salah satu,nya adalah dengan hadir,nya menu QUIK ACCESS ini karna windows ingin mamanjakan penguna,nya dan mempermudah penguna,nya 
tapi di sisi lain menu ini adalah salah satu privascy buat kita yang sebaimana kita kadang sering buka situs situs tertentu atau file file tertentu jadi dengan menghilangkan menu QUIK ACCESS ini kita tidak perlu was was dalam meng otak atik file atau berselancar di berbagai macam WEBSITE  
karna history otomatis telah kita sembuyikan jadi sangat aman buat kita ...

mungkin cukup sekian artikel yang saya share semoga bermanfaat buat teen temen..

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selamat malam semua kali ini saya akan membagikan cara bagaimana cara aktivasi office pro 64bit 2016 tanpa sofwear...dan tentu,nya akan aktif permanent..

sebagaimana kita tau bahwa cara aktivasi office mengunakan sofwear sangat bertentangan dengan anti virus yang kita pakai terkadang tidak menutup kemungkinan aktivasi yang kita pakai/ yang akan kita pakai akan terhapus duluan oleh anti virus yang kita pakai...

apalagi anti virus windows 10 saat ini sangat sangat luar biasa dalam pembasmian virus kalau menurut saya ...entah kenapa saya demen banget ama anti virus bawaan windows  yang di dengan dengan windows defender 

seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa anti virus bawaan windows yang satu ini sangat sangat ringan di banding kita memakai anti virus pihak ketiga yang cukup memberatkan kinerja PC/laptop yang kita sayangi dan kita cintai ini he he he ...

baiklah langsung saja kita menuju topik utama bahwa bagaimana cara aktivasi office pro 64bit 2016

jika sudah langkah yang pertama kalian download dan save lalu kalian buka dengan perintah  

run as adminitrator 
dan tunggu beberapa saat nanti akan ada notivikasi office akan teraktivasi  untuk lebih detail kalian bisa liat bagaimana cara,nya aktivasi office

mungkin cukup sekian dan salam luar biasa 

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